The Ultimate Guide to SLCN

The ultimate classroom companion

This useful book was written by our specialist speech and language therapists. It covers all aspects of speech and language in the classroom. From background information to tips for making your school more communication friendly. It considers individual disorders including DLD, selective mutism and stammering busting myths and giving you practical tips on how to prepare for and support students.

You can read the complete guide (fully searchable web version) as part of your Free Link Community Membership

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What a little gem… I gave myself ten minutes to flick through it and ended up distracted for over an hour!

Abigail Hawkins, SENSible SENCO

Focus on DLD

Our featured chapter from The Ultimate Guide to SLCN focuses on Developmental Language Disorder (DLD). This common special need affects every aspect of an individual’s life at school from access to classroom learning, literacy, mental health to social relationships. Yet still many children with DLD are not identified.

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