The Psychometrics Centre
The Psychometrics Centre is a Strategic Research Network at the University of Cambridge dedicated to research, teaching and product development in both pure and applied psychological assessment.
The Psychometrics Centre and Speech & Language Link have a long history of collaboration on interesting psychometric questions arising from Speech & Language Link’s provision of advanced linguistic assessments.
Learn more about The Psychometrics Centre
The British Educational Suppliers Association is the trade association for the UK education suppliers sector. Supporting, advising, and training members and partners on how UK-based education companies can supply goods and services to the education sector.
Find out more about BESA
SENsible SENCo
SENsible SENCO is a Community Interest Company dedicated to making the lives of SENCos easier by offering lots of resources, offers and advice specifically designed to help. They also have a very popular Facebook group for their community to grow and share together.
Join their Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/sensiblesenco/
Visit their website