Speech & Language Link
We help schools to support children with speech, language and communication needs (SLCN). We do this by providing evidence based interventions, standardised screening assessments and training in the use of these tools. Everything we offer is designed by our speech and language therapy team and backed up by our specialist help desk.
We work with individual schools, MATs, Local Authorities and NHS Speech and Language Therapy teams.
We are conducting research to enhance our school entry language screener. If your school would like to help you can get Infant Language Link free for a whole year!
Episode 1 of our new podcast is here!
Episode 1 of our new Talk Aways podcast, "Narrative Skills" is now available! Featuring our therapists Juliet and Alison, Talk Aways are all about using day to day classroom activities to support language development. Be the first to hear about new episodes and get priority access as a member of The Link Community.
Talk Aways Episode 1 - Narrative Skills
Support Speech Sounds
The Speech Link speech screen, training and interventions help your school to support pupils with developmental speech sound difficulties.
Read moreSpeech and Language CPD
Our speech and language courses will give your staff the skills they need to improve outcomes for children with SLCN.
I loved learning so intensely. I have learned so much about my role in this course and the fact that I feel more confident in my role and to be able to talk to others about SaLT too is amazing. No more imposter syndrome.” TA, Chartham Primary School

Exciting research opportunity
We are currently undertaking a nationwide research project to standardise a measure of language on school entry. If your school would like to take part we would love to work with you. (You can get Infant Language Link free for a year!)

FREE RESOURCES - The Link Community
Everyone loves a freebie! Check out The Link Community and its range of free speech and language resources. From our Ultimate guide to SLCN and our classroom activities to our Parent Portal and our SLCN Audit Tool ,there is something for everyone involved in supporting speech and language in school.
Explore our free Link Community membershipSupport for families
Join Juliet and Alison as they tackle some of the questions parents ask most frequently in our lightning podcasts.
Listen to the podcastMeet the team
Our friendly team will be out and about this month. Come and say hello and find out about all our latest developments.
See our latest eventsCo-production
Read about our recent collaborative work with Medway Council as part of their Children and Family Hubs.
Find out more