Supporting speech and language
The Speech & Language Link whole school approach is an integrated option to help you support SLCN in your school. Provided as packages covering Infant Language (age 4-7), Speech (age 4-8), Junior Language (age 7-11) and Secondary Language (age 11-14) each contains age-appropriate interventions, 1:1 programmes, standardised assessments and unlimited staff training. Within your school, each of the packages has no limit on the pupils that can be assessed and supported with the interventions provided.
Infant Language Link
Universal language screening and support for children aged 4-7 years. Use our planned intervention groups and classroom strategies to boost language and literacy skills for all children in year R and beyond.
Junior Language Link
Universal language screening and intervention for children aged 7-11 years. Use the standardised assessment to identify those at risk of underperformance or behaviour difficulties.
Speech Link
Our speech sound programmes support children whose speech is hard to understand. Improve listening skills and get children literacy ready.
Secondary Language Link
Boost your students ’ attainment and life chances with this unique online assessment and training tool suitable for students aged 11-14 years.
Little Link
Explore our new early years package for children aged 3-5 years. Use our standardised language screen universally across the cohort to identify those at risk of underperformance and boost all children’s language with our planned language enrichment activities. We are building this package now, find out how your nursery can get involved
The Link Speech & Language CPD
Our online modular course develops staff knowledge and skills in supporting SLCN, building capacity in your school to deliver effective targeted support.
Research opportunities for schools
This coming academic year, we are delighted to be working with the University of Cambridge Psychometrics Centre on two exciting research projects.
If your school or setting would like to get involved recruitment is now open.