Postcode Lottery of Speech and Language Therapy
For those like me who work with children and young people with SLCN, the fact that there is enormous variation in the support that is...
Read moreI think a child in my class may be dyslexic – what do I do next? An interview with Rachael McMullen, Education Manager of British Dyslexia Association
I was fortunate enough to bump into Rachael McMullen at the TES North show recently. (Readers of The Link magazine may remember her informative article...
Read moreDeciphering the language of maths
It used to be a misconception among some that maths doesn’t rely much on reading and writing – surely the focus is on numbers and...
Read moreWhat is Auditory Processing Disorder? How may it affect learning?
Have you ever been to a talk, conference or a meeting with speakers who talk quickly while presenting new concepts? There is also some noise...
Read moreNarrowing the WORD Gap
There is a considerable body of evidence now to show how children’s early oral language skills are influenced by their home language, with children from...
Read moreSupport language, support dyslexia
I listened with interest to Radio 4’s recent podcast hosted by Michael Rosen, where he talked to Professor Maggie Snowling CBE, President of St John’s...
Read moreSpeech and language while you shop?
Damian Hinds, in a speech last summer, promised to tackle the ‘last taboo’ in education by addressing the home learning environment and the ‘persistent scandal’ that many young children...
Read more“For the best return on your money, pour your purse into your head.” – Benjamin Franklin
Training is essential to ensure we have the skills and knowledge needed to carry out our role as effectively as possible. Our schools need to...
Read more7 Things to Learn from Social Thinking®
Michelle Garcia Winner’s Social Thinking® is a series of concepts, treatment frameworks and strategies for supporting and teaching children with social learning difficulties, including those...
Read moreWhat’s all the fuss about Lego® Therapy?
Lego® Therapy has risen in popularity over the last few years as an intervention for children with social communication difficulties. The therapy was devised by...
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