Issue 26, Page 8-9: How do you teach about periods to a Year 6/P7 class?
This is a lesson that many teachers dread, but you don’t have to. As a Year 6 teacher for 15 years, I have always found...
Read moreIssue 26, Page 7: Sharing News
Like many children her age, my 6-year-old can be reluctant to talk about her school day at pick-up, preferring to share precious nuggets of information...
Read moreIssue 26, Page 6: How safe is your children’s data?
Schools have a vast array of technology available to them to support their pupils’ learning and development. Where that technology is provided as a cloud-based...
Read moreIssue 26, Page 4-5: Ask A Therapist – Support attention in the classroom
QUESTION: How can I support attention in the classroom? ANSWER: “How can we support attention in the classroom?” Why can you spend hours putting together a lesson, meticulously...
Read moreIssue 26, Page 3: The Link Live 2023 Review
The Link Live 2023 a day of CONVERSATION, INSPIRATION and INNOVATION! Speech and Language Link’s annual event was once again hosted by Kate Freeman, consultant -...
Read moreIssue 26, Page 21: CPD accredited online speech and language training
Developed by Speech and Language Link’s speech and language therapists for school staff who want to make a real difference to the long-term outcomes of...
Read moreIssue 26, Page 20: One SaLT practitioner to another – using Language Link
Meet Les Elvin, speech and language practitioner at Cudworth Churchfield Primary school in Barnsley, South Yorkshire and find out about how Infant Language Link works...
Read moreIssue 26, Page 17-19: Welcome to The Link Community
The Link magazine exclusive giveaway We have 2 copies of occupational therapist, Kim Griffin’s new book, Success with Sensory Supports to give to the first 2...
Read moreIssue 26, Page 14-16: Vocabulary is linked to word reading, not just comprehension
Vocabulary teaching has been featured in a number of previous editions of The Link. It is appropriate to continue this focus given vocabulary’s crucial influence...
Read moreIssue 26, Page 12-13: A journey through a decade of SLCN
10 years ago, the idea for The Link magazine was conceived. Its aim? To provide the SENCo of every UK primary school with clear, accessible...
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