Articles by tag: the link issue 21

Issue 21, Page 8-9: Joined-up thinking – A whole school approach to SLCN identification and support

Why a joined-up whole school approach to SLCN is important Much attention has been paid recently to supporting children’s language on school entry, and this is...

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Issue 21, Page 6-7: The triangle is the strongest shape

Do you remember when speech and language therapists used to come into schools, take a child out for therapy and then take them back to...

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Issue 21, Page 4-5: Catching up on language

"My kids are slowly losing the ability to talk to other people." That’s what one parent said about the COVID lockdown period. As a result, we are...

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Issue 21, Page 3: Ask a Therapist: 5 Good Habits for Becoming an SLCN friendly NQT

QUESTION: I’m a Newly Qualified Teacher. How can I make sure that my classroom and teaching is accessible for my pupils who have SLCN? ANSWER: It’s...

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Issue 21, Page 18-19: The true meaning of early intervention

“True early identification is the responsibility of all education professionals, whether they be infant, junior, or secondary practitioners.” We’re all familiar with the term ‘early intervention’...

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Issue 21, Page 16-17: Where does spoken language fit into the national curriculum?

How might you answer this question? Some may say "that’s the focus of the English department", or "we are building maths concepts here". What about the...

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Issue 21, Page 14-15: Modelling vs testing: When should we ask questions (test) and when should we model language?

When interacting with children we often find ourselves asking lots of questions e.g., “What’s teddy doing?” “How many cats are there?” This type of testing...

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Issue 21, Page 13: Book spotlight

Two new publications packed with ideas to support children and young people with play and with sensory processing. For a chance to win a copy...

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Issue 21, Page 10-12: Rising to the challenge: How to support children presenting with Special Educational Needs in mainstream settings

Specialist speech and language therapist, Sophia Parinchy shows how mainstream practitioners really can make a difference as she shares three top tips for inclusion. Sophia Parinchy...

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