Issue 15, Page 6-7: Access Arrangements for Pupils with Speech, Language and Communication Needs
Speech, Language and Communication Needs (SLCN) is the umbrella term for a variety of disorders in which an individual can struggle to listen, understand and...
Read moreIssue 15, Page 5: What can your school do to raise awareness of DLD?
The more we know about DLD, the more children and young people with the condition can get the right information, help and support. Everyone working...
Read moreIssue 15, Page 15-19: Literacy Difficulties? It could be SLCN
SLCN is the most common primary area of need for pupils with SEN at 23%. However, when it comes to getting support through an EHCP,...
Read moreIssue 15, Page 8-9: Developing social skills in schools
The keys to a successful approach The importance of being socially skilled cannot be underestimated. We all need these skills to communicate effectively in order to...
Read moreIssue 15, Page 4-5: DLD AWARENESS DAY
Developmental Language Disorder (DLD) can be described most simply as a condition in which a person has difficulty with language, talking and/or understanding. At around...
Read moreIssue 15, Page 3: What does Body Awareness have to do with Language Processing?
What is proprioception? Proprioception is often called our hidden sixth sense. Cells of our body, called proprioceptors, located in our muscles and joints, receive sensory information...
Read moreIssue 15, Page 14: Ask a Therapist: 5 ways to get the best out of your SLT time
Across the country, SLT services have had to ration what they can provide, due to cuts in spending on SLT. This means that services work...
Read moreIssue 15, Page 12-13: Building blocks for communication; using Lego® for Purposeful Play
Traditionally Lego® has been viewed as a toy, however this is not necessarily the case anymore. Lego is increasingly being used as a tool to...
Read moreIssue 15, Page 11: INTRODUCING The Link Facebook Group
Our new online community is making it even easier to stay up-to-date, seek and share best practice and advice for all things Speech, Language and...
Read moreIssue 15, Page 10: From One TA to Another: TA to Teacher to TA
On joining my primary school, I was a bit unnerved to find out that occasionally I would be expected to cover the class if a...
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