How can we support bereaved children with SLCN?
It is estimated that more than one million children in the United Kingdom have a form of speech language and communication need. (Source - I...
Read moreAutism and me
An interview with a teen-aged girl with Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD). What does Autism mean to you? It’s something you’re born with and it affects your ability...
Read moreBehaviour problem? Or is it a language issue?
All children (and adults) will have their ‘off’ days where their behaviour may be slightly out of character, fractious or downright obnoxious! This is normal,...
Read moreNovember is National Epilepsy Awareness Month
The NHS defines Epilepsy as a common condition that affects the brain and causes frequent seizures. Seizures are bursts of electrical activity in the brain...
Read moreClosing the Attainment Gap
You may have heard reference to the ‘word gap’ in the news several times this year. Oxford University Press produced the ‘Oxford Language Report’ earlier...
Read moreAre You Talking About Who I’m Talking About?
This year International Developmental Language Disorder Day falls on 19th October 2018. Raising awareness is all about making sure the topic is always in circulation...
Read moreDevelopmental Language Disorder – The Voice of the Children and Young People
On 28th April 2018, NAPLIC (Professionals Supporting Communication and Language Development) held its annual conference in Birmingham, drawing a host of Speech and Language Therapists...
Read moreLanguage and Communication in the revised Early Learning Goals
The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Statutory Framework was revised in June this year by the Department for Education (DfE), with redrafted Early Learning Goals. The...
Read moreNational Teaching Assistant Day Friday 14th September
Celebrating Teaching Assistants, Learning Support assistants, Cover Supervisors and Learning Mentors across England and Wales: National Teaching Assistant Day Friday 14th September. According to the event’s website ‘96% of headteachers believe TAs add...
Read moreBuilding a Solid Foundation for Literacy
Literacy, while a seemingly innocuous (although incredibly important) topic, stirs up fierce debate across the globe when it comes to which approach we should be...
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