Issue 28, Pages 14-15: Ask a therapist

Question: No space, no time, no budget… so how can we support our children with speech, language and communication needs (SLCN)? Answer: Unfortunately, there is no ‘silver...

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Issue 28, Pages 12-14: A Vision for Developmental Language Disorder (DLD) for the UK

October 2023 saw the publishing of an important document highlighting months of work involving a key partnership of organisations. The partnership worked with adults and...

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Issue 28, Pages 10-11: How stress is impacting behaviour in school and how to help

The number of children struggling with their behaviour has risen in primary schools in recent years, with more children shouting and arguing, destroying property and...

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Issue 28, Pages 8-9: The importance of thinking about hearing

“Jordan was a happy and friendly child who loved to learn new things and play with their friends, but something changed when Jordan was four...

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Issue 28, Page 7: Supporting teachers to develop speech, language and communication skills in the classroom

To build strong foundations for learning, teachers must consider how their pupils learn and develop knowledge and skills. All pupils, not only those with speech, language...

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Issue 28, Pages 4-5: Learning a new word

My daughter and I have been reading a book called ‘The Snow Spider’ at bedtime over the last few weeks. The book was given to...

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Issue 28. Page 3: One TA to another – Reflecting on interventions

We want to be outstanding – we want to be dynamic and unlock the learning potential of every pupil we work with, we want to...

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Issue 27, Pages 19: A day in the life of a Link Speech & Language CPD tutor

7:00am: Early wake-up, duty calls! I have a bowl of porridge and banana for breakfast - good brain food for my day ahead. 9:00am: Today I...

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Issue 27, Page 14-15: Ask a therapist

Question: I’d like to make better use of technology in my classroom to facilitate speaking and listening but I’m not sure where to start. Any...

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Issue 27, Pages 12-13: Growing up with DLD, in my own words

Hello, my name is Shelbi – I am an adult with dyslexia and Developmental Language Disorder (DLD). I was diagnosed with dyslexia towards the end...

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