Nine Acres Primary School was thrilled to learn that we were one of the winners for the SLCNewsletter Competition!

As a school, we take enormous pride in our devotion to ensuring every child is supported with their Speech, Language and Communication Needs. We recognise and embrace established links between early intervention and rapid progress in learning.

After a successful pilot scheme in EYFS last year, where we had 54 children on the Infant Language Link programme. We rescreened these children before transition to Year 1, there were only 6 children that were identified as needing further support! We were amazed at the progress and it is testament to the hard work and dedication of both the staff and children.

This year we rolled out Language Link across the whole school!

The children cannot wait to come to the sessions and carry the skills through into the classroom environment. Blake (Year 3) fed back, “I like the activities that we do because they are fun, especially when you work together. I can use teamwork in class and play.” This was echoed by Poppy (Year 4) who enjoys Junior Language Link because, “We get to play fun games and work with our friends as a team.” Lexi (Year 1) said, “I like the tokens; I get lots of good listening ones.”

Our school motto is ‘Striving for Excellence’, and the prize of a copy of The Selective Mutism Resource Manual by Maggie Johnson and Alison Wintgens will certainly provide us with additional resources in continuing to support all the children of Nine Acres Primary to achieve this. Here we are with our prize!

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