Articles by tag: language link

The Link Supplement, Page 2-8: Language levels in the classroom, where are we now?

Current Challenges for Language Development Analysis of 50,000 Infant Language Link assessments performed in the autumn term 2020 showed an increase of over 20% in the...

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The Link Special Edition, Page 7: The impact of Language Link on attainment

To assess the impact of Infant Language Link on pupil attainment, we compared the progress of Reception children from schools using our package for two...

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Issue 20, Page 3: Infant Language Link

We know extra support is essential to help narrow the SLCN gap that has been exacerbated by Covid disruption. Infant Language Link can help schools...

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Issue 18, Page 18-19: Impact Study: How targeted SLCN interventions from Language Link raise attainment

Conclusions The Language Link interventions enabled children to make more progress with their language skills across the year, than children in the control schools. There were highly...

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Issue 15, Page 15-19: Literacy Difficulties? It could be SLCN

SLCN is the most common primary area of need for pupils with SEN at 23%. However, when it comes to getting support through an EHCP,...

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Issue 14, Page 14-19: Language or Behaviour? How do you know?

Understanding and using language is fundamental to being included in today’s service industry society, with access to the jobs market increasingly dependent on strong communication...

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Issue 11, Page 13-14: The Impact of SLCN: The Challenge Facing Schools

The Impact of SLCN: The Challenge Facing Schools (Page 14) Good language skills are linked to achievement and life chances. A child starting school with poor language...

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The Link Special Edition, Page 5-6: Choosing the best SLCN package for your school

The long-term impact of untreated SLCN on academic attainment and lifelong prospects is well established and huge numbers of children in the UK struggle to...

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Issue 8, Page 14: School News – Language Link in the Classroom – A Review from Nine Acres Primary School, Isle of Wight

Nine Acres Primary School was thrilled to learn that we were one of the winners for the SLCNewsletter Competition! As a school, we take enormous pride...

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