Time to Talk: Implementing outstanding practice in speech, language and communication, Jean Gross 2013

In this easy to read resource Jean Gross reports on examples of good practice that she observed around the country in her role as Communication Champion. Illustrated with powerful case studies, she describes ways in which educational settings have maximised the opportunities to encourage communication. She focuses on the need to provide a place and a reason to talk and looks at ways of teaching and supporting talking.

Did you know?

The average noise level in classrooms is around 60 decibels whereas recommended levels are no more than 35.

Did you know?

Classroom background noise (children’s chatter, heating and lighting, fish tanks and computers) means that children miss one in six words (Greenfield 2007).

Did you know?

Ofsted commented favourably on role play in KS2. A Salford school extended the impact of EYFS roleplay work into other areas of the school (Ofsted 2011b).

Have you heard of the RALLI campaign?

RALLI: Raising Awareness of Language Learning Impairments (in association with Afasic) is a campaign that has produced a series of helpful online videos. The videos cover how to identify and support pupils with specific language impairments and include interviews with teachers, parents and pupils themselves. You can view these fantastic videos at: http://www.youtube.com/user/RALLIcampaign or follow the campaign on twitter @RALLIcam

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