Do you want an affordable and practical workforce development solution for your staff?

Do you need staff who are knowledgeable about speech, language and communication development and know how effective SLCN support can be implemented every day in all facets of school life?

Do you want to promote staff engagement and commitment to their roles, improving Individual staff wellbeing, confidence and skills?

Do you want to develop an inclusive environment with increasing understanding of pupils needs and provide effective strategies to support them?

Speech Link Multimedia Ltd is proud to announce the launch of The Link CPD – our new Speech and Language training package for school staff. We have poured our passion and expertise into the development of this innovative new approach to short online courses, with a flexible modular structure to meet the individual needs of learners and their real-life practice.

So, what is The Link CPD?


  • A modular approach, allowing participants to build a customised, training pathway which meets their needs.
  • Builds on participants’ everyday practice using a range of different learning tools to develop practical knowledge and skills for working with children with SLCN, which will be applied back in the classroom.
  • Speech and language therapists support your learning and development throughout the course, so that you can achieve the best possible outcomes as learners, and truly apply that learning in your school.
  • Suitable for TAs, SENCos, class teachers, and SLTAs working in schools, with specific modules targeted towards certain roles.

Learners can choose the number of modules they wish to complete to craft their own learning. We will be launching the first two of our modules this Autumn: ‘Introduction to Speech and Language’ and ‘Language Intervention’.

Future modules will address speech and social communication.


Introduction to Speech and Language

This module will develop learners’ understanding of what we mean by ‘speech’, ‘language’ and ‘communication’ and support users to understand the context and impact of SLCN in the classroom. It is suitable for all staff who work with children with SLCN in schools, including SENCOs, class teachers and all support staff.

Language Intervention

This module is specifically aimed at participants who will be supporting children with language difficulties in targeted and specialist interventions. You will learn about key strategies for supporting language in the classroom (and around school!) as well as skills for delivering successful language interventions.

How the modules work

The online platform facilitates a supported flexible learning experience. Participants are able to access the course materials at a convenient time and place, engage in discussion with fellow course members and contact their speech and language therapist tutor.

Blended Learning

Our training model utilises a blended learning approach:

Live Webinars

Each course will start with a short, introductory live webinar hosted by the course tutor, who will be a qualified speech and language therapist from our team.

Content Videos

Following the webinar, participants will watch content videos, complete interactive activities, and undertake assignments to transfer the skills which they have learnt back into classroom practice.

Online Forum

Participants will be encouraged to join the online forum for their module to discuss learning points and classroom practice, and share their own observations, ideas, and questions.

Reflective Practice Journal

Learning is recorded in a Reflective Practice Journal and all activities and assignments will be monitored by the course tutor, ensuring personalised feedback is received.

Flexible Learning

The online platform enables participants to access the course when convenient for them, and to work through each lesson and activity at their own pace.

The benefits to the school and pupils

One of our goals is to help school staff keep up to date with and to develop their professional skills and knowledge for working with pupils who have SLCN. We want to inspire and support those of you working in schools so that you, in turn, can help the children you work with to reach their best potential in and out of school. We firmly believe, that one of the most important factors for nurturing happy and successful pupils, is to develop a skilled workforce to help them on their journey through school. Continuing Professional Development (CPD) – high quality, relevant, and engaging training – is an investment with far-reaching impact that rewards the whole school community.

To find out more about The Link CPD, including pricing and to register your interest, go to:

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