Scot Greathead’s article in The Link issue 9 mentions the importance of the ‘wellbeing of staff so that they can be emotionally available for children.’

This got me thinking…

In order to support the wellbeing of our children and our work colleagues we need primarily to look after our own wellbeing at school.

The job is like no other – to do it well you will give far more than will ever be reflected in your pay. Often we have our own children and all that being a parent/carer brings with it. Running half empty is something we’re all familiar by the end of term, which isn’t ideal, but if you are feeling like this just a few days into term, you need to address it.

This is easier said than done and of course everyone has to cope with many different difficulties in their personal life which are not easy to leave at the school gate.

I had a think about things that either worked for me at my last school, or I wish I’d tried:

  • Eat as well as you can – offer to sit in the lunch hall in exchange for a free meal once a week
  • Take up any opportunities of supervision or counselling that are offered by your school
  • Take your break – chat with colleagues – share your concerns
  • Leave the site for 10 minutes if possible, e.g. go to the shops, have a walk, eat your lunch outside
  • Write down your feelings – try not to let them build up
  • Explain to your teacher/SENCO that things are too much. Ask for an admin period – explain how this will benefit you and the school
  • Don’t volunteer for everything
  • Suggest ideas for personal development
  • Ideas for a yoga group or other activity that the school might support
  • Be mindful of colleagues’ wellbeing also
  • Try not to feel resentful or frustrated by another colleague – it’s how you choose to react that makes you how you feel

Be professional – don’t share your negative feelings on social media.

Please let us know of any tips that you have used to manage stress and your mental health in order to support your pupils and other colleagues.

Sam Collins’ Top Tips From Schoolwell

Supporting children with speech and language difficulties is a highly demanding role. Keep an eye your own wellbeing with these simple tips

– Take a break; even 2 minutes will improve your focus when you return.

– Celebrate successes, however small.

– Accentuate the positive!

Visit for wellbeing support

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