Issue 19, Pages 14-15: The power of rhythmic awareness for language and literacy learning
Research indicates that the ability to coordinate and time our movements impacts upon awareness and rapid naming in school-age children children’s ability to learn language,...
Read moreIssue 29, Pages 12-13: Ask a therapist – beyond the worksheet
Q. Am I doing enough for my SLCN learners? A. This is a brave but important question to ask. It sometimes feels that, by adapting activities to...
Read moreIssue 29, Pages 8-9: Having conversations about listening
We know that listening and attention are vital precursors necessary for language skills, social relationships, and educational attainment. But what are the components of listening...
Read moreIssue 29, Pages 6-7: Why bringing speech and language teams into schools is key
2024 started with the announcement that there has been an unprecedented rise in children needing speech and language therapy, resulting in thousands of them sitting...
Read moreIssue 29, Page 4: The crucial link between sleep and language acquisition: a guide for teachers and SENDCos
In the realm of education, the connection between sleep and academic performance has long been acknowledged. However, recent research, ‘Timing story time to maximize children’s...
Read moreIssue 29, Page 3: One HTLA to another. Our speech and language support
Our school has a high percentage of children on the SEND register with ‘Communication and Interaction’ as their primary need. This was how my role...
Read moreIssue 28, Pages 18-19: Adaptive Teaching & SLCN
There is a change in approach with how we support children in the classroom. Gone are the days when differentiation was considered best practice, and...
Read moreIssue 28, Pages 14-15: Ask a therapist
Question: No space, no time, no budget… so how can we support our children with speech, language and communication needs (SLCN)? Answer: Unfortunately, there is no ‘silver...
Read moreIssue 28, Pages 12-14: A Vision for Developmental Language Disorder (DLD) for the UK
October 2023 saw the publishing of an important document highlighting months of work involving a key partnership of organisations. The partnership worked with adults and...
Read moreIssue 28, Pages 10-11: How stress is impacting behaviour in school and how to help
The number of children struggling with their behaviour has risen in primary schools in recent years, with more children shouting and arguing, destroying property and...
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