Articles by tag: vocabulary

Speech and language in the garden

I have a beautiful climbing rose in the garden that my brother bought for me a few years ago. Over the last few weeks, I have...

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What can COVID 19 teach us about learning vocabulary?

As a Speech and Language Therapist, I am always intrigued to find out how children learn new words. The COVID 19 pandemic has forced us all...

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The impact of vocabulary teaching using sound and meaning cues

PhD Supervisors: Jenny Thomson, Meesha Warmington - University of Sheffield I am delighted to be able to share my research on vocabulary teaching with delegates at...

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Bridging the Word Gap at Transition: The Oxford Language Report – a response by Speech and Language Link

A recent report published by the Centre for Education and Youth, alongside Oxford University Press, highlights concern about pupils’ poor vocabulary development and the impact...

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Narrowing the WORD Gap

There is a considerable body of evidence now to show how children’s early oral language skills are influenced by their home language, with children from...

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Closing the Attainment Gap

You may have heard reference to the ‘word gap’ in the news several times this year. Oxford University Press produced the ‘Oxford Language Report’ earlier...

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Top Transition Words to Teach Your Children Going into KS3

As the summer holidays grow steadily closer, there is one thing in the minds of many children - their imminent transition to secondary school. A...

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