Articles by tag: the link issue 22

Issue 22, Page 8-9: FASD – The Invisible Brain-Based Condition

Would you be surprised to hear that Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) is thought to be the most common non-genetic cause of learning difficulty? A...

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Issue 22, Page 6-7: Demystifying the language of maths

When you say ‘maths’ most people immediately think of numbers… quickly followed by that anxious feeling when their brain makes the connection to times tables....

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Issue 22, Page 4-5: THE LINK SURVEY – Your Experience of SLCN Support

In the autumn issue of the magazine, we launched The Link Survey to hear what you had to say about your experience of SLCN support. As...

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Issue 22, Page 3: Ask a Therapist: What are ‘soft skills’ really?

QUESTION: What are ‘soft skills’ really? ANSWER: Soft skills have been an increasing concern in schools since at least 2019. However, since the pandemic began to...

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Issue 22, Page 18-19: Celebrating Bilingualism

In recent years the number of learners speaking English as an additional language (EAL) in UK schools has seen a huge increase. The percentage of...

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Issue 22, Page 16-17: Demystifying behaviour

"…what the pupil is communicating can be tricky. This might be frustration, anxiety, sadness, confusion, or insecurity to boundary testing." I recently watched BBC2’s series ‘Don’t...

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Issue 22, Page 10-15: The Link Live 2022 – SLCN A Whole School Approach

Online Conference – 11th March 2022 Tickets: Live Q&A With our expert speakers. 30-day on-demand access. Online live chat throughout the day. 11th March 09:00 Kate Freeman, Consultant - Speech...

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