Articles by tag: the link issue 14

Issue 14, Page 14-19: Language or Behaviour? How do you know?

Understanding and using language is fundamental to being included in today’s service industry society, with access to the jobs market increasingly dependent on strong communication...

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Q&A with Kim Griffin, OT

Kim Griffin, Occupational Therapist, has written 2 articles for The Link magazine.  In issue 14 Kim describes how she uses her OT sessions as an...

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Issue 14, Page 8-9: Effective Intervention Spaces

Much attention is paid to the type of intervention we provide for children in school. However, less attention is given to where this intervention takes...

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Issue 14, Page 6: Spotlight on autism around the world: Oasis School in Pakistan

Have you ever wondered how overseas schools manage the SLCN needs of their students when they have no access to a speech and language therapy...

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Issue 14, Page 4-5: The playful story of English grammar

David Crystal ProfileWhat do you think grammar is all about? It usually brings to mind nouns and verbs, subjects and objects, and the like. Grammar...

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Issue 14, Page 3: NAPLIC 2019

Developmental Language Disorder (DLD) is a relatively new term, but it is very common with approximately two students in every mainstream classroom presenting with this...

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Issue 14, Page 12-13: Exploring language with your senses

As an occupational therapist (OT) I have used the five senses in therapy sessions to enhance children’s language development and understanding. Here are some of...

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Issue 14, Page 11: Ask a Therapist

QUESTION: How often should I carry out language groups? Answer: This is a question I get asked many times, and I don’t believe there is one...

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Issue 14, Page 10: From One TA to Another: “I DON’T GET IT!”

Sound familiar? Here are my tips for helping all children get to grips with grammar. OK – so there are 70 different grammar terms in the...

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