Articles by tag: the link issue 11

Issue 11, Page 13-14: The Impact of SLCN: The Challenge Facing Schools

The Impact of SLCN: The Challenge Facing Schools (Page 14) Good language skills are linked to achievement and life chances. A child starting school with poor language...

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Issue 12, Page 11: Ask a Therapist

QUESTION: Have you got any advice for a pupil who does not listen or pay attention in their language group? Answer: This can be very frustrating...

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Issue 11, Page 9: SLCN Glossary: Standard Scores and Percentiles – What are they?

In order to target help where it is needed, it is useful to be able to compare a child’s score on a language assessment with...

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Issue 11, Page 12: Ask a Therapist

QUESTION: “In school I work with several children with speech sound difficulties, who all need a different speech sound programme. How can I save time...

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Issue 11, Page 10-11: Supporting Children With Cerebral Palsy to flourish in the classroom and beyond

Whenever I talk to professional colleagues about my work, I start with the following quote from the late American psychologist Carl Rogers, “If I accept...

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Issue 11, Page 6: From One TA to Another – Top Tips for Successful Intervention Groups

Small group interventions take up the lion’s share of a TA’s time. It is an ongoing challenge to: Ensure that every child receives their required...

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Issue 11, Page 4: Bercow: 10 Years On

In March 2018, I CAN, the children’s communication charity, and the Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists (RCSLT) launched Bercow: Ten Years On, an...

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Issue 11, Page 3: A Day in the Life of a SaLT – School Stories: Understanding Questions

Joseph’s Year 3 (P4) class teacher noticed that he didn’t seem to understand all the questions he was asked, often giving some unusual responses. Was...

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