Articles by tag: intervention

Issue 28. Page 3: One TA to another – Reflecting on interventions

We want to be outstanding – we want to be dynamic and unlock the learning potential of every pupil we work with, we want to...

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Issue 23, Page 18-19: Ask a Therapist: Intervention tips

QUESTION: “My speech and language intervention isn’t going as well as I expected. What should I try?” ANSWER: With the best of intentions, we often can’t...

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Issue 21, Page 8-9: Joined-up thinking – A whole school approach to SLCN identification and support

Why a joined-up whole school approach to SLCN is important Much attention has been paid recently to supporting children’s language on school entry, and this is...

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Issue 21, Page 18-19: The true meaning of early intervention

“True early identification is the responsibility of all education professionals, whether they be infant, junior, or secondary practitioners.” We’re all familiar with the term ‘early intervention’...

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Issue 18, Page 18-19: Impact Study: How targeted SLCN interventions from Language Link raise attainment

Conclusions The Language Link interventions enabled children to make more progress with their language skills across the year, than children in the control schools. There were highly...

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Issue 11, Page 13-14: The Impact of SLCN: The Challenge Facing Schools

The Impact of SLCN: The Challenge Facing Schools (Page 14) Good language skills are linked to achievement and life chances. A child starting school with poor language...

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