Articles by tag: intervention tips

Welcoming new pupils to school

Welcome to the start of a fresh new term! You may be welcoming new teachers and teaching staff in your school, new pupils and embracing...

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“When we provide the right care and the right environment, they will flourish”

Stress, Shame and Sapless Succulents My garden, which is typically a neglected mess and truly overrun with weeds, got a big overhaul last spring. A sorry picture...

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Issue 28. Page 3: One TA to another – Reflecting on interventions

We want to be outstanding – we want to be dynamic and unlock the learning potential of every pupil we work with, we want to...

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Speech and language in the garden

I have a beautiful climbing rose in the garden that my brother bought for me a few years ago. Over the last few weeks, I have...

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The language of the holidays

The great thing about language is that it is all around us, in virtually everything we do. With every season, every event and every experience...

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Primary teachers – do you need some sensory inspiration?

Kim Griffin's first book with Bloomsbury, ‘100 Ideas for Primary Teachers: Sensory Processing Difficulties’ is now available. The 100 ideas series is designed to give teachers a...

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Narrowing the WORD Gap

There is a considerable body of evidence now to show how children’s early oral language skills are influenced by their home language, with children from...

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Building a Solid Foundation for Literacy

Literacy, while a seemingly innocuous (although incredibly important) topic, stirs up fierce debate across the globe when it comes to which approach we should be...

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