Articles by tag: inequality

Insufficient Discussion

The Royal College of Speech and Language Therapist’s (RCSLT) submission to the Centre for Social Justice’s report Two Nations: The State of Poverty in the...

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Putting children at the heart: A call to action for a better tomorrow

In November 2023, a report titled ‘Children at the Table: A roadmap for putting children at the heart of the next Government’ was published by...

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Why improving speech, language and communication skills must be part of the Government’s Levelling Up agenda

The Government's education white paper Opportunity for All was released on 28th March 2022. It restated the announcement (originally made in February, as part of...

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Narrowing the WORD Gap

There is a considerable body of evidence now to show how children’s early oral language skills are influenced by their home language, with children from...

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Speech and language while you shop?

Damian Hinds, in a speech last summer, promised to tackle the ‘last taboo’ in education by addressing the home learning environment and the ‘persistent scandal’ that many young children...

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Closing the Attainment Gap

You may have heard reference to the ‘word gap’ in the news several times this year. Oxford University Press produced the ‘Oxford Language Report’ earlier...

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