Articles by tag: communication

“When we provide the right care and the right environment, they will flourish”

Stress, Shame and Sapless Succulents My garden, which is typically a neglected mess and truly overrun with weeds, got a big overhaul last spring. A sorry picture...

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The mystery of the missing bench

When I picked up my 7-year-old daughter from school on Friday I asked about her day, expecting to hear about what she’d had for lunch....

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Issue 21, Page 14-15: Modelling vs testing: When should we ask questions (test) and when should we model language?

When interacting with children we often find ourselves asking lots of questions e.g., “What’s teddy doing?” “How many cats are there?” This type of testing...

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Issue 19, Page 8-9: Creating an inclusive communication friendly environment

“When a flower doesn’t bloom, you fix the environment in which it grows, not the flower.” There has never been a better time to maximise opportunities...

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Issue 19, Page 19: Ask a Therapist: Becoming a Communication Friendly School

QUESTION: What does it mean to be a ‘Communication Friendly Setting’ and how can I achieve this in my school?] ANSWER: A communication friendly school has...

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Issue 19, Page 14-15: Parents: A crucial link in the communication chain

Every school desires to be a communication friendly environment, where the school community has optimised opportunities for listening, understanding, talking and taking part. It is...

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Supporting children and young people with SLCN to share their views

Helping children and young people to find their voices is an important part of every educator’s role. Sometimes this might mean that we hear things...

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Speak up with Speech and Language Link

What a week of focus on children and young people’s speech, language and communication skills! Last week saw the publishing of an important report looking at...

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Issue 17, Page 14-15: “The shoeness of a shoe”

Most people with learning disabilities have some speech, language and communication difficulties. These can be hidden or overlooked. Everyone needs to know what good communication...

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