Articles by tag: behaviour

Issue 28, Pages 10-11: How stress is impacting behaviour in school and how to help

The number of children struggling with their behaviour has risen in primary schools in recent years, with more children shouting and arguing, destroying property and...

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Issue 22, Page 16-17: Demystifying behaviour

"…what the pupil is communicating can be tricky. This might be frustration, anxiety, sadness, confusion, or insecurity to boundary testing." I recently watched BBC2’s series ‘Don’t...

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Is language the problem?

This is Ben* who is not having a good start to this term. His teacher reports that he is not the same quiet, compliant lad...

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Primary schools to be banned from permanently excluding children

DfE stats reveal that 1,067 primary school pupils were permanently excluded in 2018-19. The Commission on Young Lives, launched in September 2021, is a year-long independent...

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Don’t Exclude Me: Behaviour is Communication

BBC 2’s recent ‘Don’t Exclude Me’ series provided a thought-provoking insight into the behaviour difficulties children, their teachers and school staff experience daily in primary...

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Do exclusions represent our subconscious bias?

During lockdown, while working from home, I listened to a brilliant podcast from the SENDcast talking about exclusion in our schools. The question being asked…...

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Behaviour problem? Or is it a language issue?

All children (and adults) will have their ‘off’ days where their behaviour may be slightly out of character, fractious or downright obnoxious! This is normal,...

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