Assessment and intervention programme for speech difficulties

I’m concerned about a pupil’s speech.

ASSESS 15 min. assessment identifies which sounds to work on. Run by support staff.

Who can help this pupil?

PLAN Results show if a pupil needs discussion with local SaLT team or if in-school support is sufficient for straightforward difficulties. Online training for teachers and TAs.

What can the school do?

DO Tailored age-appropriate speech programmes with a suggested order of work. Printable resources and online games.

What outcomes can I show?

REVIEW Repeat testing shows evidence of improvement. Clear links to literacy development.

Pupil Premium: Schools use their Pupil Premium to subscribe to Speech Link.

Derbyshire Primary School Impact Statement

Speech and Language – June 2014


  • Speech Link: assessment and intervention programme.

Issues and Challenges

  • Staffing and organisation

Desired Outcomes

  • To use the Speech Link Assessment programme to improve the speech of those children at risk of delay or disorder.
  • To reduce or eliminate unnecessary referrals to the Speech and Language therapy service.
  • To work more closely with our designated speech and language therapist.

What we did

  • Used Pupil Premium to fund an additional teaching assistant in the Foundation Unit.
  • FU coordinator arranged regular meetings with SaLTs to discuss the progress of the children in our intervention groups.
  • Planned the timetable to allow dedicated time every day to deliver the interventions.

How we did it

  • Staff attended training in the use of the Speech Link Assessment programme.
  • Two existing teaching assistants agreed to work the extra hours between them and take on the responsibility for leading the intervention groups.

What we learnt

  • The children love the sessions and can’t wait to go to their groups.
  • Regular reviews with SaLT are important to help us decide on next steps for the children.
  • How to track the progress of the children’s speech development.
  • Thirteen children have taken part in the intervention groups – none have required a referral to Speech and Language.

Next Steps

  • To screen any new Reception children who are causing concern in September.
  • Set the language groups up as soon as possible in September to gain maximum benefit from the intervention.
  • A student on placement commented that she had noticed a significant improvement in the speech of a child she has been observing as part of her course.

Some of our children say:

“I like making silly sentences with Mrs Barker!”

“I like hiding the cards and finding them.”

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