Articles by tag: slcn glossary

Issue 18, Page 13: The Ultimate Guide to SLCN

Help to develop the SLCN knowledge base of your workforce for a communication friendly school Schools are getting increasingly better at considering whether SLCN might be...

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What do we mean by speech and language?

Here at Speech Link Multimedia Ltd our focus is good communication and we are mindful that sometimes speech and language therapists can be guilty of...

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Issue 10, Page 11: SLCN Glossary: Are you talking about who I’m talking about?

‘Specific Language Impaired’, ‘Language Learning Disabled’, ‘Language Disordered’, ‘Communication Impaired’ … and Children with ‘Speech, Language and Communication Needs’ (SLCN) are only some of the...

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Issue 9, Page 3: SLCN Glossary

Stammer versus Stutter People often ask speech and language therapists the difference between stammering, stuttering and dysfluency. The answer is ... there is no difference. The...

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Issue 8, Page 6: SLCN Glossary

EAL versus EFL English as an additional language (EAL) is the term used in the UK to refer to the teaching of pupils whose home or...

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