Articles by tag: case study

Issue 24, Page 10-12: The Link CPD: Speech and Language

Continuing Professional Development (CPD) in schools   Among The Link magazine’s goals is helping school staff to develop their professional skills and knowledge, providing the most effective...

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Issue 14, Page 14-19: Language or Behaviour? How do you know?

Understanding and using language is fundamental to being included in today’s service industry society, with access to the jobs market increasingly dependent on strong communication...

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Issue 11, Page 13-14: The Impact of SLCN: The Challenge Facing Schools

The Impact of SLCN: The Challenge Facing Schools (Page 14) Good language skills are linked to achievement and life chances. A child starting school with poor language...

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Working on Speech Sounds – A Case Study

Children develop their full range of speech sounds over time - it is normal for very young children to make errors as they develop and...

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