Articles by tag: asd

Surviving the summer: a guide for families of children with speech, language and communication needs

Unstructured school holiday time can be particularly difficult for children with speech, language and communication needs (SLCN). The impending six weeks of summer ‘holiday’ can...

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Supporting Generalisation of Skills

In this final blog of our three-part series in which we have been considering key barriers to effective interventions for children who have Autism Spectrum...

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Supporting Rigidity

Do you sit at the same desk every time you go into the office? At a training session, would you head for the same chair on...

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Factors Affecting the Success of Interventions for Children with ASD – Attention

In this three-part series, we will be focusing on key areas that children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) are likely to struggle with, that may...

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Primary teachers – do you need some sensory inspiration?

Kim Griffin's first book with Bloomsbury, ‘100 Ideas for Primary Teachers: Sensory Processing Difficulties’ is now available. The 100 ideas series is designed to give teachers a...

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Spotlight on Autism around the world: Oasis School in Pakistan

In just 10 years, Oasis School has changed the landscape of Autism Education in Pakistan. They have forged a unique combination of relationships with Facebook,...

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7 Things to Learn from Social Thinking®

Michelle Garcia Winner’s Social Thinking® is a series of concepts, treatment frameworks and strategies for supporting and teaching children with social learning difficulties, including those...

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What’s all the fuss about Lego® Therapy?

Lego® Therapy has risen in popularity over the last few years as an intervention for children with social communication difficulties. The therapy was devised by...

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Autism and me

An interview with a teen-aged girl with Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD). What does Autism mean to you? It’s something you’re born with and it affects your ability...

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Behaviour problem? Or is it a language issue?

All children (and adults) will have their ‘off’ days where their behaviour may be slightly out of character, fractious or downright obnoxious! This is normal,...

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