Small group language intervention: tips for successful generalisation
Language groups are an opportunity for children with language and communication needs to participate in activities focused on developing their language and communication skills. They...
Read moreIssue 28, Pages 4-5: Learning a new word
My daughter and I have been reading a book called ‘The Snow Spider’ at bedtime over the last few weeks. The book was given to...
Read moreThe mystery of the missing bench
When I picked up my 7-year-old daughter from school on Friday I asked about her day, expecting to hear about what she’d had for lunch....
Read moreThinking about winking
The dictionary definition for ‘wink’ is 'to close and open one eye quickly, typically to indicate that something is a joke or a secret or...
Read moreIssue 27, Page 14-15: Ask a therapist
Question: I’d like to make better use of technology in my classroom to facilitate speaking and listening but I’m not sure where to start. Any...
Read moreIssue 26, Page 7: Sharing News
Like many children her age, my 6-year-old can be reluctant to talk about her school day at pick-up, preferring to share precious nuggets of information...
Read moreSupporting young people to develop teamwork skills
In the last week, how many times have you worked with others to achieve a common goal? Did you have to change your ‘role’, adapt...
Read moreWhat shall we pack?
When it comes to packing for a few nights away or a family holiday, I'm a planner. I quite enjoy making a list of what...
Read moreDo you fit in?
I joined Speech and Language Link at the beginning of January. This was a big move for me as I had previously worked exclusively for...
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