With funding cuts having a significant impact on pretty much every decision schools have to make, it is more important than ever to think carefully about spending wisely and getting the most out of every valuable penny. It is worth remembering that children with any type of SEN can experience co-occurring difficulties with communication, interaction, vocabulary development or understanding of language. So maybe the best use of any left-over budget is to boost your school’s resources for supporting children with speech and language difficulties… And don’t forget, there is substantial evidence linking social disadvantage and language delay so why not think about combining any leftover Pupil Premium funding with those few last pounds of your SEN budget? These can be found in the resources catalogue and in our online shop at www.speechandlanguage.info.

Less than £10

Remind your teaching staff how best to support language and communication in the classroom with this SLCN poster for just £8!


Develop children’s vocabulary with the Naming Game for £20.


For just £59, support children’s speech and language development with all five of these Pocket Packs. For £100, the complete bundle of resources will support language development.

More than £200

Still holding £220 in your budget? Our complete resources bundle will help your staff to develop all aspects of children’s communication and interaction.

Visit shop.speechandlanguage.info to browse more products.

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