Infant Language Link has earned an EdTech Impact Summer Award!

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21 March 2022

Speech and Language Link

We are so pleased that this summer our package – Infant Language Link – has earned an EdTech Impact Summer Award. This award happened because of our loyal and hardworking Speech & Language Link subscribers.

What is Infant Language Link?

Infant Language Link is an innovative, award-winning online assessment and intervention package used by schools to identify and support children, aged 4-8 years, with language and communication needs. Its language assessment is standardised and quick and easy for staff to administer. To ensure that no child’s needs are missed, universal screening of Year R is recommended. Instant results identify which of its small-group interventions are suitable for those with mild to moderate needs and which children require discussion with specialist speech and language therapy services. The comprehensive package includes training and support from our SaLTs, structured intervention programmes and resources, progress measures to track improvement and materials for families to support children at home.


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