The Link Special Edition, Page 7: The impact of Language Link on attainment
To assess the impact of Infant Language Link on pupil attainment, we compared the progress of Reception children from schools using our package for two...
Read moreIssue 20, Page 6-7: Invest in your most important tool… Voice!
A teacher’s voice is their most important tool; for engaging and motivating pupils, delivering important information clearly, supporting social and emotional development, and managing behaviour. Due...
Read moreIssue 19, Page 10-11: Making the Link from Literacy to Oral Language
Good literacy skills are vital for children to access learning and to navigate work and life as adults. It is easy to see why the...
Read moreIssue 15, Page 5: What can your school do to raise awareness of DLD?
The more we know about DLD, the more children and young people with the condition can get the right information, help and support. Everyone working...
Read moreThe Link Special Edition, Page 5-6: Choosing the best SLCN package for your school
The long-term impact of untreated SLCN on academic attainment and lifelong prospects is well established and huge numbers of children in the UK struggle to...
Read moreIssue 17, Page 6-7: The benefits of neurodiversity
“For too long, we’ve assumed that there is a single template for human nature, which is why we diagnose more deviations as disorders. But the...
Read moreIssue 17, Page 3: Ask a Therapist
We asked The Link Facebook Group members if they had any questions that they would like our speech and language therapists to answer. QUESTION 1: How...
Read moreIssue 16, Page 14-15: Ask a Therapist: DLD and me and the family
A Case Study When working as a Speech Language Therapist in primary schools, I would sometimes work with a child on developing their understanding of their...
Read moreIssue 15, Page 14: Ask a Therapist: 5 ways to get the best out of your SLT time
Across the country, SLT services have had to ration what they can provide, due to cuts in spending on SLT. This means that services work...
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