Why it is Essential to Consider Students’ Language Skills in Year 7
Many students will start secondary school with unidentified speech, language, and communication needs (SLCN) as difficulties are often missed or misidentified. The Communication Trust (‘Talk of...
Read moreHow DLD aware are you?
In preparation for DLD Awareness Day on 18th October, Speech & Language Link ran a survey to find out just how DLD-aware you are. Thank...
Read moreWhy it is essential to universally screen students’ language skills in Year 7
Many students will start secondary school with unidentified speech, language, and communication needs (SLCN) as needs are often missed or misidentified. The Communication Trust (‘Talk of the...
Read moreSurviving the summer: a guide for families of children with speech, language and communication needs
Unstructured school holiday time can be particularly difficult for children with speech, language and communication needs (SLCN). The impending six weeks of summer ‘holiday’ can...
Read moreIssue 28, Page 7: Supporting teachers to develop speech, language and communication skills in the classroom
To build strong foundations for learning, teachers must consider how their pupils learn and develop knowledge and skills. All pupils, not only those with speech, language...
Read moreIssue 27, Pages 6-7: There’s much more to ADHD than hyperactivity & inattention
When you think of ADHD, what first springs to mind? Hyperactive, misbehaving boys, day-dreaming girls? ADHD might stand for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder but there’s...
Read moreIssue 24, Page 10-12: The Link CPD: Speech and Language
Continuing Professional Development (CPD) in schools Among The Link magazine’s goals is helping school staff to develop their professional skills and knowledge, providing the most effective...
Read moreHelping teens with Selective Mutism overcome their fear of speaking
Selective Mutism (SM) is an anxiety disorder and phobia: the fear of others hearing your voice. My son was diagnosed when he was four years...
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