I should be…

  • Understanding most instructions containing 2 parts (put the spoon in the cup) where there is a choice of objects for the underlined words.
  • Beginning to follow instructions containing 3 parts (e.g. “wash teddy’s tummy”) where there is a choice of objects for the underlined words.
  • Understanding some early action words, like ‘jumping’ and ‘sleeping’.
  • Understanding simple questions, like “do you want more juice? And “what’s that?”
  • Understanding the function of objects (e.g. “what do we sleep in?”).
  • Understanding some size and position words: ‘big’, ‘little’, ‘in’, ‘on’ and ‘under’.
  • Using lots of two word combinations now (e.g. “where Daddy” “more juice”).
  • Starting to use some three word combinations (“Daddy go work”).
  • Beginning to use a few negatives like ‘no’ and ‘not’ (e.g. “me not got that”).
  • Beginning to use describing words like ‘big’, ‘little’, ‘happy’ and ‘sad’.
  • Hearing the difference between some words that sound the same e.g. pat and bat.

Don’t worry if…

  • My talking is hard for people to understand.
  • My sentences are very short.
  • I have to stop playing my game to listen to you.

Seek advice if…

  • I’m not understanding any familiar words.
  • I’m not switching my attention from my game to you when you call my name.
  • I’m only saying a few words.