I should be…
- Understanding instructions containing 3 parts (e.g. “wash teddy’s tummy”) where there is a choice of objects for the underlined words.
- Remembering simple stories, with pictures to remind me.
- Beginning to understand question words, like ‘what’, ‘who’ and ‘where’.
- Beginning to understand words that show things have happened in the past e.g. running, ran.
- Beginning to match things and sort things into groups.
- Using three word phrases all the time (e.g. “me go home”).
- Ask simple ‘who’, ‘where’ and ‘what’ questions.
- Starting to talk about things that have happened in the past but I make lots of mistakes (e.g. “me runned away”)
- Beginning to put longer, 4-5 word phrases together, to make sentences
- Switching my attention from one task to another.
- Concentrating for 3 minutes on my play.
- Hearing the difference between most speech sounds.
Don’t worry if…
- A few of my words are unclear.
- I confuse question words.
- I make lots of mistakes with my talking (e.g. ‘I goed there’, ‘Me putted it on’).
Seek advice if…
- I’m not following instructions with 2 parts.
- I’m not joining two words to make short sentences.
- I’m not able to hear the difference between speech sounds.
- My speech is always hard to understand by family members who know me well.