I should be…

  • Understanding that the word order changes the meaning of a message (e.g. ‘the boy the girl chased had a dog on the lead’ – who chased the dog? Who had the dog?
  • Understanding academic words like ‘interpret’, ‘predict’, and ‘explain
  • Understanding that lots of words have more than one meaning (e.g. a bank where you keep your money and a grassy bank that you sit on)
  • Reading ‘between the lines’ to infer meaning and understand sarcasm
  • Understand lots of everyday expressions (e.g. no point crying over spilt milk).
  • Understanding instructions involving inclusion and exclusions including words like ‘all except’, ‘neither’ and ‘either/or’.
  • Defining lots of words (e.g. inequality means that things are not fair).
  • Using complex words like “therefore” and “otherwise” in talking and in writing.
  • Able to take part in discussions using complex vocabulary, responding to or challenging the views of others.
  • Describing events and giving detailed accounts of what has happened.
  • Using language to persuade others and to defend my viewpoint.
  • Changing my talking style (e.g. I talk to my teacher in a different way than I talk to my family).

Don’t worry if…

  • I make occasional errors with word order in long complex instructions as long as I can ask for help when I don’t understand.
  • I need reminders to adapt my talking to my audience e.g. using simple language when talking to a younger child.

Seek advice if…

  • It is hard to follow my explanations e.g. the rules of a game.
  • I am unable to explain my reasoning.
  • I don’t pick up on sarcasm and take things at face value.
  • I use simple words in my sentences and struggle to join ideas and sentences using words like, ‘if’, ‘but’ and ‘so’.
  • I struggle to find words that I know when I am talking.