I should be…
- Beginning to understand that some phrases mean something else (metaphors) e.g. “Mummy was climbing the walls!” and asking what they mean if I don’t understand them.
- Making predictions about future events e.g. say what will happen next in a story.
- Beginning to ‘read between the lines’ to make simple inferences.
- Understanding words that mean conditions like ‘if’, ‘or’ and ‘but not’
- Providing and identifying key information needed when giving explanations.
- Identifying similarities and differences and group things together in many different ways.
- Using a range of regular and irregular grammatical word endings like ‘thought’, ‘might’, ‘rode’, ‘sheep’ and ‘mice’ without making many errors.
- Using time related language like ‘morning’, ‘later’, ‘next week’ and ‘today’.
- Using words like, ‘know’, ‘feel’, ‘sure’ and ‘guess’ to explain my thinking.
Don’t worry if…
- I am struggling to follow instructions in order.
- I make lots of grammatical errors in my talking.
- I find it hard to explain how I have worked things out.
- If my speech is still hard to understand.
- If I am not joining sentences together in my talking using words like ‘and’, then and ‘but’.
Seek advice if…
- I’m not understanding any familiar words
- I’m not turning my head when someone comes in a room or towards new noises