
It’s Good to Talk

Talking to your child is the most important thing you can do to support them and get them ready for nursery, school and life. Learning language should be easy, fun and interactive and it should come naturally. It’s also very complex and sadly many, many children find it hard.

The way we talk to our children has a big impact, so our speech and language therapists have put together some Top Tips for talking to your child. These are simple strategies you can use at home. They don’t need any special equipment or specialist skills. Sometimes it is the small changes that make the biggest difference.

Sophie, our Speech and Language Therapist, introduces our Top Tips.

Slow Down
Find out how as Louise, our Speech and Language Therapist, explains how this can help your child.

Keep it Simple
Your child is learning new words all the time, and sometimes we need to keep it simple.

Be Positive
Join Juliet, our Speech and Language Therapist, as she talks about tips for keeping your language positive.

Make Links
Speech and Language Therapist, Sophie, shares tips for helping your children learn new words by making links.

Give Details
Join Derry, our Speech and Language Therapist, as she shares tips for giving lots of details when talking with children.

Explain Yourself
Join Juliet to find out how explaining your thinking can help your child.

Show and Tell
Join Alison to find out how you can boost your child’s understanding.

Develop Listening
Find out about the most important skill your child needs for talking.

We all have times when we need to hear something more than once.

Can I have your attention please?

Join Juliet, one of our speech and language therapists, in a listening workout. Watch the video with your child to get them in the right place to start their learning for the day.

Warning: audience participation is encouraged!

Get your child ready for learning with our listening skills series. Join Juliet to learn the rules of good listening and have some fun along the way.

Juliet reminds us of the rules of good listening and introduces games for listening for words and following simple requests.

Join Juliet for a special session which includes sound awareness, onset and rime and observation games.

Join Juliet for another active listening lesson, where we will be practising looking and thinking skills and identifying rhyming words.

Juliet introduces rhythms and syllables in this active listening lesson.

Enjoy learning with Lizzy the listening parrot and make a syllable pizza during this fun attention and listening session.

Join Juliet and Listening Lizzy for more fun attention activities, focussing on rhyming and identifying first sounds in words.

In the final lesson of this series, Juliet and Listening Lizzy play listening games for words and rhymes.