Issue 19, Pages 14-15: The power of rhythmic awareness for language and literacy learning
Research indicates that the ability to coordinate and time our movements impacts upon awareness and rapid naming in school-age children children’s ability to learn language,...
Read moreIssue 24, Page 14-15: Right from the Start
Juliet Leonard, speech and language therapist, explains why boldly returning to early phonological awareness teaching impacts positively on children with delayed literacy skills. Learning to read...
Read moreIssue 23, Page 12-13: Talking the write way
"In England in 2015, one child in five was reported to be leaving primary school unable to read well, rising to one in three among...
Read moreIssue 19, Page 10-11: Making the Link from Literacy to Oral Language
Good literacy skills are vital for children to access learning and to navigate work and life as adults. It is easy to see why the...
Read moreIssue 15, Page 15-19: Literacy Difficulties? It could be SLCN
SLCN is the most common primary area of need for pupils with SEN at 23%. However, when it comes to getting support through an EHCP,...
Read moreThe Link Special Edition, Page 8: 5 Tips to Boost Literacy
Early speech and language skills are the most significant predictor of a child’s later literacy skills. Our spoken language skills are fundamental underpinnings of literacy...
Read moreIssue 9, Page 6: Making Literacy Fun for the Child with SLCN
Prompted by a chance meeting with a teenager who admitted that reading was a major struggle because, as she said, 'The words just don't go...
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